Property Taxes
Find information regarding summer / winter taxes, tax payments, and collection schedules.

Laura Bouchard

Contact Details
(269) 795-7202
(269) 795-8812
200 E. Main Street
Middleville, MI 49333
Thornapple Township currently has two tax collection times, summer and winter taxes. The Treasurer’s office is open during the normal business hours of the Township. Special hours for tax collection will be posted.
Tax Administration
Tax Bills
It is the policy of Thornapple Township to mail one copy of the tax bill. If you have an escrow account for taxes, your mortgage firm must request a tax bill each and every time they are due. If the mortgage company does not ask the Township for your bill, then it is mailed to you at your last known address. If you do receive your tax bill instead of your mortgage company, please forward your bill to them immediately so that your bill can be paid in a timely manner.
Payments are receipted on the business day they are received in the office. We recommend that you allow seven days for mail handling. If you wish a paid receipt, you should enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your payment. Payments may be placed in the drop box located off the front foyer of the Township Hall, this secure box option is available 24 hours a day. Please make checks payable to Thornapple Township and mail to P.O. Box 459, Middleville 49333. A pre-printed return envelope is mailed with all tax bills sent directly to property owners. Payment must be received in our office by the last date of the collection period as we do not accept postmarks.
Deferment of Summer Taxes
Forms for Deferment of Summer Taxes are available via this link or at the Township Treasurer’s office during regular business hours.
Please Note:
- Certain conditions apply; specific criteria for deferring summer taxes is available on the form.
- Completed deferment forms must be submitted to the Township Treasurer by 5pm on September 16th, 2024.
- Deferred summer taxes must be paid on or before February 14th, 2025 to avoid penalty and interest.
Collection Schedule
Summer Taxes
State Education Tax as required by law. Summer taxes also include all of the Barry County operating millage as required by law.
Winter Taxes
- Thornapple Kellogg Operating and Debt
- Caledonia Community Schools Operating and Debt
- Kent Intermediate School District general education, special education and vocational education
- Grand Rapids Community College Operating
- Charlton Park, Commission on Aging, 911 Central Dispatch, and Thornapple Manor
- Thornapple Township operating, emergency services operations and TTES bonds
Where Do My Tax Dollars Go?
Wondering where your tax dollars go?
Thornapple Township is the collection agent for seven entities:
Our total tax roll for 2022 was approximately $14 million. While most folks know we are charged with the responsibility of collecting those tax dollars, the misconception is that all those $11 million dollars are kept and spent by the Township. Instead, we are charged with properly collecting and redistributing those funds. Approximately 9% of the tax dollars collected remain at Thornapple Township, with the remaining portion redistributed to the entities listed above. The Township’s elected officials, as well as the staff, try their best every day to do and provide more for Thornapple Township residents at the lowest possible cost.
Please refer to the related graphs below to see how your tax dollars are allocated. As you will see, more than half of the Township’s tax dollars are restricted for use to operate emergency services within the Township (fire department and ambulance service, equipment and capital improvement).
The administration fees generated from property taxes help to fund both the Assessing and Treasury Departments at the Township, as both “assessing” and “tax collection” are two of the Township’s statutory duties.
The dollars allocated to general operating are exactly that, the funds necessary to staff the Township, help pay for roads, our cemeteries, street lighting, and the general day-to-day expenses necessary to operate the Township and Hall efficiently. A portion of our general operating dollars are “captured” by and paid to the Village’s DDA (Downtown Development Authority) and LDFA (Local Development Finance Authority).
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